Publications since 2022

      • Pavel Kosov; Nahla El Kadhi; Cecilia Zanni-Merk; Latafat Gardashova  (2024). Semantic-Based XAI: Leveraging Ontology Properties to Enhance Explainability. In proceedings DASA 2024 (
      • Alishzade, N. and Hasanov, J. (2024). AzSLD: azerbaijani sign language dataset for fingerspelling, word, and sentence translation with baseline software. Data in Brief, 111230.
      • S. Z. Guliyev, S. E. Mirzabayov. On combining the stages of parametric identification and optimization of dynamic processes. Baku Math J, 2024, 3 (2), 202-213 (
      • Pavel Kosov. Brief examination of logic of explainable artificial intelligence and its fuzziness applying ontologies. Proceedings of X International Scientific Conference “Information Technologies for Intelligent Decision Support” Ufa-Baku-Chandigarh, December 2024. (in Russian)
      •  Pavel Kosov, Nahla El Kadhi, Cecilia Zanni-Merk, Latafat Gardashova. Advancing XAI; new properties to broaden semantic-based explanations of black-box learning models.  Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES 2024). Seville, Spain. September 2024 (doi being published)
      • R.Ch. Mustafayev, Correction to: On weighted iterated Hardy-type inequalities, Positivity 28 (2024). 
      • Nigar Alishzade and Gulchin Abdullayeva. Transfer Learning with Inflated 3D CNN for Word-Level Recognition for Azerbaijani Sign Language Dataset. Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Electrical Engineering and Computer Systems and Sciences (EECSS’24) Barcelona, Spain – August 19-21, 2024 Paper No. MVML 106 DOI: 10.11159/mvml24.106
      • Pavel Kosov. Explainable artificial intelligence: exploring a new method for improving ontology-based explanations. Proceedings of the Republic Scientific Conference dedicated to the 101st anniversary of National Leader Heydar Aliyev. 08 May 2024. (in Russian)
      • Samer El Zant, Ulviya Abdulkarimova et al: Co-editors of “Complex Computational Ecosystems”, Part of the book series “Lecture Notes in Computer Science”, volume 13927, Dec 2023. []
      • Latafat Gardashova, Pavel Kosov. A review of the solutions for autonomous exposure of intrusions and malicious activities in automated networks in the environment of big datasets. Proceedings of Azerbaijan High Technical Educational Institutions (PAHTEI). volume 30, issue 07, pages 338-350, 2023. [
      • R.Ch. Mustafayev, N. Bilgicli, M. Yılmaz, Norms of maximal functions between generalized and classical Lorentz spaces, Azerb. J. Math. 13 (2)
        (2023), 51–99.
      • Jamaladdin Hasanov, Nigar Alishzade, Aykhan Nazimzade, Samir Dadashzade, and Toghrul Tahirov. 2023. Development of a hybrid word recognition system and dataset for the Azerbaijani Sign Language dactyl alphabet. Speech Commun. 153, C (Sep 2023).
      • R. Fatali, S. El Zant, G. Safarli, and Rabih Amhaz. A Comparative Study of YOLO V4 and V5 Architectures on Pavement Cracks Using Region-Based Detection. In: Collet, P., Gardashova, L., El Zant, S., Abdulkarimova, U. (eds) Complex Computational Ecosystems. CCE 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13927. Springer, Cham. []
      • Abdulkarimova, U. Abarca del Rio, R. Modeling El Niño and La Niña Events Using Evolutionary Algorithms. In: Collet, P., Gardashova, L., El Zant, S., Abdulkarimova, U. (eds) Complex Computational Ecosystems. CCE 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13927. Springer, Cham. [
      • Abdulkarimova, U., Latallerie, F., Gasimova, L., Maggi, A. Estimation of Seismic Phase Delays Using Evolutionary Algorithms. In: Collet, P., Gardashova, L., El Zant, S., Abdulkarimova, U. (eds) Complex Computational Ecosystems. CCE 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13927. Springer, Cham. []
      • Matthias Sesboüé, Nicolas Delestre, Jean-Philippe Kotowicz, Ali Khudiyev, Cecilia Zanni-Merk: An Operational Architecture for Knowledge Graph-Based Systems. KES 2022: Procedia Computer Science, 1667-1676. []
      • Marc Haegelin, Ulviya Abdulkarimova , Pierre Collet, Christian Rolando. Super-Resolutive Genetic Algorithm for Improved FT-ICR MS Resolution. International Mass Spectrometry Conference, 27 August-2 September, 2022. Abstract
      • Mathieu Bourgais, Cecilia Zanni-Merk, Rauf Fatali, Nadir Alizada: Avoiding the Overspecialization of Recommender Systems in Tourism with Semantic Trajectories, Initial Thoughts. KES2022: Procedia Computer Science, 1933-1942. []
      • Gabriel H. A. Medeiros, Lina Fatima Soualmia, Cecilia Zanni-Merk, Ramiz Hagverdiyev: Tracing and analyzing COVID-19 dissemination using knowledge graphs. KES2022: Procedia Computer Science, 2172-2181. []
      • Marc Haegelin, Ulviya Abdulkarimova, Christian Rolando, Pierre Collet. Super-resolved spectra from FT-ICR or Orbitrap MS sum of damped sine transients by non-Fourier Transform genetic evolution algorithm. ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics. June 2022. Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis, MN. Abstract
      • S. El Zant, “Comparing different computation methods of Reduced Google Matrix”, 7th International Conference on Big Data and Computing (ICBDC ’22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 67–74, May 2022. []
      • R.Ch. Mustafayev, M. Yılmaz, Another approach to weighted inequalities for a superposition of Copson and Hardy operators, (2022). (pre-print)
      • R.Ch. Mustafayev, M. Yılmaz, New equivalence theorems for weighted inequalities involving the composition of monotone quasilinear operators with the Hardy and Copson operators and their applications, (2022). (pre-print)








